Tuesday, September 1, 2009

3 Simple Actions to Move

3 Simple Actions to Move
Limiting Beliefs, Poverty Consciousness, and Attitude all play a leading role in whether someone will fail or succeed. Tiny changes and even smaller habits will make huge differences in your bank account and your friendship accounts. Here's what to watch for and what to do when you see obstacles coming your way. Monday Monday

The Poverty Triangle
Most people live a life they have a lot more control over than they are taking responsibility for. You and I want to see people take responsiblity for themselves (including ourselves) in three facets of life.

Time Poor
Everybody is allotted the exact same amount of time every day. People only differ in what they do with that time. Where many tend to go wrong in this area is in over-estimating how much time is left to complete something, and under-estimating how long it will take. It's a common mistake. How would you rate yourself?

People Poor
Happily married couples say there are two key factors in being happy together.
1) Trust2) Time Together

Money Poor
People who are money poor are often quick to begrudge those who are wealthy.
Get over it.
Almost 90% of wealthy people started with an average background or were poor.
Never mind that most people who are wealthy have earned it fair and square. This poor attitude contributes greatly to money poorness. Changing attitudes about money can be hard, even if you are a normal person, with a normal job, and a normal paycheck.

Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs....limit you.
This can be good or bad.
A positive limiting belief is one that limits you from doing bad or stupid things. "I don't steal because it's wrong". This is a limiting belief, in that it keeps you from doing something. In this case the limitation is good because it keeps you from doing something wrong.

Communication Breakdown?
Not many things are more important in shifting from failure to success than effective communication.
There are times when people unintentionally use the wrong words. At the wedding, I called my daughter's uncle by his brother's name. His brother died 10 years ago and of course in the presence of all the family, this was not my most comfortable moment.
Quick Thoughts
1. Humans are the only creatures who can consciously reduce stress.
2. Let us be quick to accept the responsibilities of our shortcomings, and always willing to help others overcome theirs.
3. It is far easier to maintain a good first impression than it is to fix a bad one.
4. Focus on what it takes to move from success to failure.
5. Success and procrastination are both subject to the laws of inertia.
6. Desire alone never replaces the actions needed to achieve that desire.
7. Success is not defined by how much you move up, but how much you reach out.
8. False optimism is not necessary. Be a realistic optiimist.
9. After many weeks of careful planning, contemplating, and preparation - I have decided to be spontaneous!
10. Beware of manipulation disguised as mutual benefit. Be involved in reciprocal relationships that are incredibly valuable to both people.
11. How you walk is more important than the path you choose.

The Choice Is Yours
Making good choices will propel you to success faster than poor choices. The only way to get better at making good choices is to make more decisions. Then learn from the decisions that are made.

Begin to Take Control of your Communication Messages - Consciously!
Impulse Activation moves your hand from their pocket to the shelf holding the magazines, candy bars and nail clippers when you're in line waiting to check out your stuff at the store.

Quote from Kevin Hogan

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